Canon is proud of its long and unwavering tradition of protecting and preserving our most precious of resources - the world we share. We work to harmonize environmental commitment and economic interests in all our business activities. We believe this balance is essential to sustain prosperity for future generations.
This is not new thinking at Canon. As a global organization, we at Canon understand our responsibility for the impact we make on society and the environment. That is why, from our founding, Canon's corporate philosophy has been Kyosei - which we define as "all people, regardless of race, religion, or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future."
At all of our office locations, and throughout our manufacturing and sales operations, Canon maintains a deep commitment to social and environmental responsibility. This determination to live and work together for the common good permeates everything we do: from research and development, to product manufacturing, marketing, sales and distribution.At Canon, we believe every manufacturer has a responsibility to ensure its operations and practices are environmentally sound. We apply this standard for environmental respect to every stage of our operations. At every step, we make energy and resource conservation and the elimination of hazardous substances our most important goals. That is why Canon is recognized for producing some of the world's most energy-efficient products.
Kyosei also drives our commitment to establishing good relations, not only with our customers but also with the communities in which we operate.
Our dedication to Kyosei guides our tradition of commitment to protect and preserve our most precious of resources - the world we share, the communities we serve, and the lives we touch. We do this through environmental, conservation, recycling and sustainability initiatives. We also practice Kyosei through social and educational programs on behalf of young people and those in need.
This is our corporate philosophy, and it unites all Canon companies and employees together in contributing to the prosperity of humanity and the protection of the world we share.